10 Ways You Can Help Your Child Perform Better In School

Most parents these days juggle with a lot of responsibilities. Striking the balance between work and family is easier said than done. The reality is that with the crazy work schedules, inflexible employers and high costs of living it is so easy to become an absentee parent. Most parents rely so much on the school and teachers for their kid’s academic success. Unfortunately, teachers can’t do it all. In other words, you still have to play a role if your child is to do well in school. Wondering how? We will be telling you 10 ways you can help your child perform even better in school.

Be Actively Involved in a child’s life.

Almost every article on children needs talks about parent involvement. Well, it is time you gave the concept a thought. Studies have linked parental involvement to improved student performance and better classroom behavior.  Involvement includes being present in your child’s personal and academic life. It entails showing interest in what they learn at school-even those subjects you might not be a big fan of yourself! An involved parent takes reading sessions with the child, monitors his/her assignments, avails materials needed, removes distractions etc. Involvement goes beyond home interactions. It goes as far as attending a child’s school events.

Give Them a Thumbs Up When They Do Well.

Good job! Keep doing it! You can do this! These are just some of the phrases you should add to your vocabulary. Children love being complimented plus it gets them psyched up when you do it. They will certainly want to do more or perform better even in those subjects they aren’t doing well.  

Let them know it is okay to ask or get help.

Ever wondered why kids highly regard their teachers? It is because teachers provide answers and advice even on the weirdest of things.  Children with hard and rigid parents tend to shy away from asking for help. It is especially the case for those who have been led to believe help is a sign of weakness. This should not be the case.  As a parent, provide room for questions and conversations with your kids. Let your children feel comfortable to talk to you about the things they don’t know or can’t do.  This way you will even get to know your child more!


Develop a personal relationship with their teacher.

Since children spend most of their time in school, it would be beneficial to develop a personal relationship with their teachers. Organizing and attending parent-teacher meetings is beneficial to your kid. Teachers get to learn more about the kid from you. The interactions also help the teacher to know and explain behavioral changes if they pick out any.  Also, the parent also gets to know more about the child from the point of view of a teacher.

Encourage positive and responsible behaviors.

Good and responsible behavior is the ultimate template of success.  Good grades alone do not make any successful adult and this is why any parents should be watchful of their kids’ characters at all times. You should try and cultivate good habits and denounce bad habits as your child grows.

Learn to listen more.

“Effective communication is what is heard and not what is said”. As a parent or guardian, it is important to listen more. Listen to your child carefully. Learn to avoid multitasking or interruptions when conversing with your kids. Be interested in knowing about their day, what they did, achieved, lost etc. Listening shows that you care about their activities and school life. When kids sense interest from parents on their school matters, they put more effort in school. They are eager to tell you of more wins coming their way.


Focus more on improvements rather than grades.

Every child is unique and special.  Putting unrealistic pressure on a child to get A’s in every subject isn’t a smart move. You should simply get to understand why your child is not performing very well in a given subject and set a realistic target for them in future tests.

Monitor your child device use and play time.

Play and devices are good for children but only if you keep an eye on them. You can start by training your child to be disciplined enough to know that there is time to play games and time to study. Balancing play and study time helps a child concentrate on things that improve his/her performance more while not missing out on being a kid. They should be able to make decisions on play and study times without your intervention.

Provide a conducive environment for them to learn.

Make your home a safe haven for your child’s state of mind. If your child comes home to quarreling parents, fights, excessive chores, then it is unrealistic to expect success. While it is important to engage your child in home chores, be cautious to do it in moderation. Allow time for other activities, especially those that build on the kid’s performance and character. Additionally, ensure that any family issues e.g. marital problems don’t affect a kid’s state of mind.

Be the role model.

Studies show that children often grow up to mimic the behavior, attitudes, and beliefs of their parents and guardians. If you are constantly commenting on how a certain subject is hard then that child might develop a negative attitude towards it. Try to separate personal preferences to your child’s education. Having a positive attitude towards education as a parent positively influences a child’s attitude and desire to perform well.

Final Remarks.

That’s it! Now you know why you should complement a teacher if your child is doing well! Make this a culture and you are bound to see results out of your efforts, soon!